Updated Barcode Manager

"Open Link" dialog window

The dialog window that appears when scanning a QR Code has been updated.

In the previous dialog window, it was sometimes difficult to see the entire URL if the URL string was very long.

In the modified dialog window, a copy button is placed next to the URL display column, and the entire URL can be viewed by copying the URL and pasting it into an application such as Notepad.

"Open Link" dialog window

This feature is available in the following product versions.

Target app version

Barcode Manager for Windows 1.9.4 / 2.0.7
Barcode Manager for Education 1.3.6 / 2.0.6
Barcode Manager for Business Basic 1.3.6 / 2.0.6
Barcode Manager for Business Basic Plus 1.3.6 / 2.0.6
Barcode Manager for Business 1.3.6 / 2.0.6