About the license agreement of "Barcode Manager for Windows"

Thank you for using our apps.

We have received an inquiry about the license agreement for "Barcode Manager for Windows", and we will inform you of related information here.

The "STANDARD APPLICATION LICENSE TERMS" set by Microsoft apply to the applications we currently publish in the Microsoft Store, including the "Barcode Manager for Windows".
(Some applications that are provided individually, such as evaluation versions, come with an EULA [End User License Agreement].)

Please check the " STANDARD APPLICATION LICENSE TERMS " to use the app.


In addition, the license information of the third-party software used in the app can be referred from "Settings"-"Thirdparty Software" in each app.

Regarding the privacy policy of each application, you can check the latest information from the following URL.

Privacy Policy

If you have any questions, please let us know by contact form.